
Visage changelist

5.22.0 (coming soon)

  • Background color: new colors added for holiday support: holiday-beige-1, holiday-green-1, holiday-green-2, holiday-red-1, holiday-red-2
  • Callout:
    • updated skin 'holiday' color to semantic-holiday-red-2
    • updated variant 'inverse' default background set to black
  • Price Bar: fixed the PriceBarPriceInfo's info button icon not being visible on light background
  • Promo Bar
    • updated skin 'holiday' color to semantic-holiday-red-2
    • added skin 'inverse' for white text on black background.
  • Toggle Switch: focus indicator now goes only around the visible switch


  • Popover: exported "usePopoverContext" hook to give more control to developers.


  • Thumbnails Hero: adjusted image aspect ratio to 21:10, and set max height to 95% of viewport height (95vh)


  • Added domain in valid domains list


Bug Fixes

  • Thumbnails Hero "under" skin: this component no longer forces down the page content below the Hero, nor overlaps that content with the Hero contents


Bug Fixes

  • Text Input: "mini" input height no longer varies based on load order of stylesheets, and now always matches the height of "mini" buttons


  • Price Bar: visual restyling; added support for using Listbox for quantity


  • Control Icon: new "password-show" and "password-hide" icons for use inside password entry fields
  • Standard Hero:
    • new "hide image on mobile" option hides the hero image on mobile (Small and Extra-Small) screens
    • new "image behind text on mobile" option keeps the image behind the text on mobile (Small and Extra-Small) screens, rather than showing them in the normal vertical order
  • Thumbnails Hero "under" skin:
    • the large image now tries to display with a 9:21 aspect ratio; when it reaches its max height (60% of the viewport height), it will crop from the top and bottom
    • on Small (tablet) screen size, thumbnails are now shown below the image, rather than hidden
    • on Extra-Small screen size, dots are now shown below the image rather than over it

Bug Fixes

  • Buttonbar: focus indicator is correctly-shaped for last button
  • Standard Banner: text placement is off when the Banner is placed inside a Grid element that isn't 12 grid columns wide
  • Textbutton: Standard Hero now only affects the margins of Textbuttons that are actually inside the hero


  • Button: "clear selection" button now has a "mini" size variant, and is automatically shorter on mobile screens
  • Left Hand Navigation: new "button menu" variant, to support My Account
  • List: a ListItem inside a List now supports an optional selected boolean prop; used by Left Hand Navigation variants that show the currently selected item
  • List: new styling for list bullets
  • Table: new textAlign property that will align the text of table cells and headers left, right, or center
  • Table: new "dividers" skin that puts horizontal dividers between rows
  • Uncustomizable Markup: <table> tags inside this component now take on the "dividers" skin for Tables, rather than the default (striped) skin

Bug Fixes

  • Listbox: support "error" skin


  • Accordion: new "color swatches" variant, for use around Color Swatches inside a Standard Tile
  • Carousel: arrow buttons are now smaller on mobile
  • Dropdown and Text Input: both components now have the same height, for visually consistency in forms
  • Listbox:
    • new "link" variant that looks much like a text link
    • ListboxOption supports an additional prop labelNode for rendering inner label which supports string as well as ReactNode
  • Standard Tile: support for Color Swatches inside tiles
  • Table: new "divider" skin

Bug Fixes

  • Dropdown: Fixed dropdown appearance changing to line skin when FormError is included in the Form.
  • Popover: PopoverLauncher issue fix for react 17


  • Accordion: the +/- icon is now vertically centered within the heading, instead of being top-aligned
  • Checkbox: Checkboxes now support indeterminate state (neither "on" or "off")
  • Text Input: Placeholder text is now using color inherit to work in any color mode
  • Tabs: tabs that aren't selected are now dark grey instead of black
  • VISAGE_SUPPORTED_DOMAINS: Whitelisted Visage support for following domains:
  • marketingBackgroundTokenMapping: Exported a map of marketing source colors to marketing background colors

Bug Fixes

  • ModalDialog: Fixed the id attribute not being assigned to the ModalDialogTitle.
  • Tabs: margin fixed for tab headers so that they do not overlap with parent element.
  • TextButton: type attribute will only be automatically output for input and button tags
  • TextInputFloating: Long placeholder(label) text flowing out of the input boundaries fixed.
  • Thumbnails Hero: Full support for <video> tags added for the default skin.


  • Breadcrumbs: visual redesign, making the component shorter and keeping it to one line that will scroll horizontally
  • Thumbnails Hero: support <video> in the content carousel
  • Typography: support noWrap prop (and .nowrap class in the vanilla API) to prevent text from line-wrapping
  • Exported VISAGE_MARKETING_BACKGROUND_COLORS which provides a set of acceptable marketing color values for the global prop backgroundColor
  • VISAGE_SUPPORTED_DOMAINS: Whitelisted Visage support for following domains:
  • Added font-display: swap to font-face

Bug Fixes

  • Alert Box: "legal warning" skin no longer has bold, centered text
  • Callout: now has an explicit line-height, to keep parent elements from making it display too short
  • Modal Dialog: "panel-bottom" dialogs with a footer no longer have faint shadows on the sides of the footer


  • Responsive System: Created and exported a hook useIsScreenClassInitialized which helps in letting know if the ScreenClassProvider is initialized on the browser. Returns a boolean value.


  • Callout: new "mini" size variant; minor visual restyling
  • Color Swatches: visual restyling
  • Standard Tile: support overlays with more than just a Callout in them
  • VISAGE_SUPPORTED_DOMAINS: Added support for canada domain

Bug Fixes

  • Carousel: "fraction" option on mobile no longer has mis-aligned arrows


  • Standard Hero: on S/XS screens, put a translucent white border between the text zone and image zone
  • Standard Tile: "gallery" skin now has a hover state, and less padding around the image on smaller screens
  • TextButton: adjusted vertical positioning of icons
  • Popover: Supports new prop eventContainerRef to control dom node for listening click/keydown event for closing the popover automatically

Bug Fixes

  • Alert Box: close icon is now centered within its focus indicator
  • Disabling useStylesheetStatus check in test environment.


  • Collapsible: support rich summary in React; new, easier API for aligning the last sub-element of a rich summary to the right
  • Dark Mode: updated border colors for Text Input, Dropdown, Listbox
  • Floating Container: support in React
  • Link: support "link with icon" in React
  • Modal Dialog: support panels from the top
  • Table: support second line of text in React
  • Tabs: visual redesign
  • Tabs: support "wrap headers" in React
  • added a standard placeholder image to the package (as /library/images/placeholder-image.svg)

Bug Fixes

  • Modal Dialog: when using a panel dialog with a nav, the nav will now always sit on top of the dialog body
  • Standard Hero: "full width image" heroes on smaller screens now properly crop their images


  • Icons: the search icon is now defined via a theme-able CSS custom property, rather than an external file.
  • Ordered List: wide numbers will not line-wrap.
  • Standard Hero: "full-width-image" heroes and "heroes with left nav" now have the same minimum height as default heroes.
  • Standard Hero: added support for using <picture> tag for the hero image.
  • Tabs: new option to hide the dividing line between headers and contents.

Bug Fixes

  • Carousel with "promo bar" skin: arrows are now aligned to the boundaries of the main content area.
  • List: nested lists no longer have too much padding on the bottom.
  • Modal Dialog: panel dialogs with the header inside the dialog's nav now have correct margins.


  • Standard Hero: "full width image" heroes on small screens now have horizontal padding around their text areas
  • Tabs: "mega" skin headers have correct background color


  • VISAGE_SUPPORTED_DOMAINS: Added support for domains,,, and


  • VISAGE_SUPPORTED_DOMAINS: Added support for canada domain


  • Link: new "cta-left" skin
  • Selling Points: new component

Bug Fixes

  • Modal Dialog: when using "full bleed" on a capped panel dialog, the dialog content will now actually be full bleed.
  • ModalDialog: Added the missing prop allowPinchZoom which allows zooming to be enabled/disabled for the devices when the dialog is open (defaults to true).


  • Buttons: all button tags now default to the pointer (hand) cursor
  • Standard Hero: support background video in addition to images
  • Tabs: added new "mega" variant


  • VISAGE_BACKGROUND_COLORS variable exported

Bug Fixes

  • Carousel: Fixed the jittering of the Carousel slides on SSR


  • Carousel: the new "arrowVerticalPosition" and "arrowVerticalOffset" props allow you to set or adjust the vertical position of the Carousel arrows.
  • Toggle Switch: new icons for "mini" size switches
  • Zoom Controls: new component
  • Check for node.js 14 removed

Bug Fixes

  • Collapsible: now includes the style keys for the Accordion stylesheet.


Bug Fixes

  • Listbox: The issue introduced in the listbox popover's z-index value during the 5.7.0 release


Bug Fixes

  • Modal Dialog: when using both "full-bleed" and "panel", the content can now vertically scroll


  • Accordion and Collapsible: the new "full bleed" option removes the left- and right-hand padding from the Collapsible's content. Putting this on an Accordion will apply it to all of that accordion's Collapsibles
  • Carousel: adjusted "promo-bar" skin so that the arrows sit at the edge of the main content zone, not at the edge of the browser window
  • Promo Bar: an updated API adds a PromoBarContents inner element, to cap the text content of the Promo Bar (but not cap its background color)
  • Ratings Stars: new "monochromatic" skin sets the stars to black (or to white, in dark mode)
  • Selection Set "tiles" skins: while the API calls for using FluidImage instead of ResponsiveImage, ResponsiveImages will at least no longer be hidden
  • Text Input: new "mega" size

Bug Fixes

  • Carousel: Added a placeholder for the Carousel slides in case of pages using SSR
  • Listbox: When used inside ModalDialog, fixed the ListBox popover overlay getting hidden behind the ModalDialog overlay
  • ResponsiveValues: Fixed the object mode for accepting the responsive values eg. paddingY={{ xs: 1, sm: 1, md: 1, lg: 1 }}
  • Standard Hero: using the "full width image" option with a background color on desktops, prevent a flash of the background color before the image loads
  • ThumbnailsHero: Fixed the issue of page getting auto-scrolled to get ThumbnailsHero into viewport

For contributors


  • VisageProvider styleConfig: It now supports the ability to validate the passed domain and baseUrl from a list of available domains. This list is exported and available for the developers as a hash variable VISAGE_SUPPORTED_DOMAINS. Developers can also disable auto validation of the domain by passing false in the key domainValidation


  • Callout: new "foil" skin
  • Responsive Image: support for Responsive Image as picture tag instead of just img tag
  • Paginator:
    • "Paginator buttons" re-added
    • visual restyling
  • Selection Set:
    • new "mini tiles" skin to support holiday
    • "tiles" skins: updated API adds a new image container element around the image, to provide better UX consistency
    • visual updates to border radius and thickness
  • Standard Hero: adjust heading size on "short" heroes
  • Standard Tile: when there's no description, tighten the spacing between name and price
  • Links: added support for a global prop called removeLinkStyles which removes a link's visual styling, for when a component is being used as a link, e.g. using as="a". This was created for Standard Heroes where the entire hero is a link, but it can be usd on any component.

Bug fixes

  • Modal Dialog: focus ring around close button was not vertically centered


  • Design Token: added design-experience-selected-color, for selected items in design experiences
  • Dropdown: new "line" skin, with a Form Label to match
  • Ordered List: added support for "start" property
  • Standard Tile: "gallery" skin can now hide drop shadow on the image
  • Text Input: visual restyling for "floating label" version
  • react-helmet is now an optional dependency: This is done for the users who are using VisageSlimeProvider. Users who are using VisageProvider will still have to install the react-helmet as before.

Bug fixes

  • LeftHandNavigation: When used with dark mode, links are now black on hover instead of white.


Bug fixes

  • TextButton: Default button type 'type="button"' added to override the default behaviour of button in a form which will benefit in avoiding page reload.
  • VisageSlimProvider: The provider released in v5.3.2 wasn't exported. This fix basically exports the provider.


  • Colors: add JS design token for the approved marketing background colors
  • Count: support for dark mode; support inside Textbuttons
  • Paginator: new visual styling
  • Step Indicator: new visual styling
  • Toggle Switch: added icons to make "on" and "off" states more clear
  • Versioning: Force version updates for all the stylesheets so as to clear the cache for all the users.

Bug fixes

  • CSS variables missing warnings in the CI pipeline muted.

For contributors

  • Added functionality to auto-generate a component(Styling not included). Refer for usage.


  • Performance improvement of auto loading of styles.

Bug Fixes

  • Standard Hero: fixed too-wide gutters on mobile screens.
  • Grid: Fixed some of the CSS where the calc method was wrapped inside the quotes.
  • Edited type information for ThemeKey, StyleKey and ScriptKey


  • Default domain for Loading styles and scripts are set to from
  • Bug Fix: Auto loading of styles, for non-default keys in SSR.
  • Support for favicons assets available at eg.
    • Same URLs across minor/patch versions
    • URLs specific to minor/patch release (replace the version 5.3.4 with your version)


  • Custom domain name configuration in VisageProvider:
    • Default - Uses "" if no domain is provided. A generic domain that can be used when you don't know which domain the page will be served from.
    • Custom - Accepts valid Vistaprint domains: "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", and ""
    • Relative - When provided "relative" value in domain, this will get you back a relative URL that will try to find the Visage files on whatever domain the page happens to be served from.
  • Standard Hero: support TextButtons (not just StandardHeroCTA), for when there are multiple CTA buttons

Bug Fixes

  • FormLabel: Added support for for attribute.
  • Flickering of styles in the apps fixed
  • useLayoutEffect warnings from ScreenClassProvider suppressed


  • VisageProvider: we now have a new VisageSlimProvider, to support projects which do not require autoloading of styles and fonts.

Bug fixes

  • Link: in React, the issue with Link component treating values passed in 'as' or 'component' props as always an 'a' is fixed.
  • Carousel: removed 'react-slick' dependency which was being used in Carousel. Instead, the Carousel has been reverted back to using '@ant-design/react-slick' to avoid the errors.


  • SASS version in library updated to 1.34.0


  • Color Swatches:
    • Support for background images (not just background color)
    • Hover state now shows a grey border
    • The 'X' icon for disabled swatches is now white or black based on the swatch's primary color.
  • Text Input: new hover colors for the input with a floating label.
  • Carousel: support for the "global messaging bar", as a Carousel of Promo Bars, with a new "promo-bar" skin that uses smaller arrows.
  • Promo Bar: new "promo-bar" skin; see above.
  • Typography: the React API now supports "not-bold" as a weight.
  • Alert Box: the "warning" skin has been re-introduced.
  • Color: the backgroundColor feature now supports "discount" to provide a standard light green background for discount messaging.
  • Form elements: new hover colors for Dropdown, Listbox, Checkbox, Radio Button

Bug fixes

  • Text Button: TextButton defaulting to 'div' issue is resolved. The onClick signature would be MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement> instead of MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>.
  • Ratings Stars: 'starsToShow' property is now optional.
  • Preloader: Default delay in the preloader animation is how '0' seconds.
  • Modal Dialog: "panel-right" option used with the "full bleed" option no longer creates a horizontal scrollbar.
  • Standard Hero: on XL screens, the left nav and hero text are no longer misaligned.
  • PaginatorInput: The warning issues regarding 'as' and 'component' are fixed.
  • Tabs: bottom border of the selected tab now has the correct color.
  • CSS: since usage of '/' for division is deprecated in dart-sass, our CSS is now using 'math.div' for division, to avoid any SASS transpilation issues.


New features

  • Checkbox: checkbox hover color is updated in case of selected and deselected state.
  • Alert Box: update for "warning" and "positive" skin background colors, update in styling e.g. set font weight to bold, adjusted paragraph margins

Bug fixes

  • Modal Dialog - menu buttons spacing and alignment issue fixed.

Other updates

  • Standardized disabled colors across components.


New features

  • Callout: new "new" skin; new visual styling for all skins
  • Collapsible: React version now supports different open/closed text
  • Grid: React version now supports sticky columns
  • Modal Dialog: close button supports visuallyHiddenText prop
  • Preloader Graphic: animation begins immediately, rather than after a delay
  • Selection Set: added new "tiles" skins; new visual styling for "buttons" skin
  • Standard Banner: a new component for mid-page banners *
  • Standard Tile: the default skin now places a light grey background behind the image, so the image can use transparency
  • Table: React version now supports captions
  • Text Input: change focus color from blue to black
  • Typography: you can now explicitly set a text color of black

Bug fixes

  • Modal Dialog: "panel" dialogs no longer have the scrollbar up against (or overlapping) the content

Other updates

  • Standard Hero: "narrow" banner option is now deprecated in favor of the new Standard Banner component


New features

  • Hey, it's a new mono-repo for v5!
  • Breadcrumbs: new visual styling
  • Background Color: an expanded list of possible background colors, with 20 new color choices
  • Carousel:
    • support for aligning dots to the left
    • support for "tight" grid gutters
    • new visual styling
  • Dark Mode: a few global prop that turns text white and makes components visible on dark backgrounds. (Replaces the now-deprecated "dark" theme.)
  • Range: new visual styling
  • Ratings Stars:
    • you can specify just one star instead of five
    • new visual styling
  • Standard Hero:
    • support for a new "eyebrow" element over the hero heading
    • support for multiple Textbuttons
    • Hero With Left Nav now supports text and images sitting side-by-side (not just full-width images with text overlaid on top)
    • new visual styling
  • Standard Tile:
    • new "circular" skin
    • "gallery" skin now supports a translucent background
    • new visual styling
  • Textbutton: new "design-path" variant with two lines of text
  • Themes: the "dark" theme is now deprecated in favor of the easier-to-use "dark mode" feature.


  • Dropped React support for these deprecated components: FullWidthContainer, CheckboxOptionSet, RadioButtonOptionSet, Flipswitch, TitleBlock, FavoriteCheckbox
  • Dropped support in the CSS for these deprecated features:
    • Accordion: bounded option, and alert-box-background-white
    • Background Color values of mist or translucent-blue
    • Callout: skins warning, neutral, hollow-light, and hollow-dark
    • Carousel: options tabs, xs-only, and the product-tiles skin
    • Collapsible: minimal skin
    • Count: skins cart and empty, plus shadow option
    • Forms: error classes label-required, input-skin-error and form-input-error
    • Dropdown: stylized-select-container-full-width option
    • Promo Bar: skins holiday-red and holiday-white
    • Promo Code: white skin
    • Tabs: skins thumbnails-under and minimal-full
    • Textbutton: skins tertiary, progress, checkout, hollow-white, holiday-red, and holiday-white
    • Text Input: size super, and borderless
    • Typography: text sizes 0, A, and B, and many text colors we haven't used in a long time like ultraviolet and fire-orange
    • deprecated components .page-alert, .callout-bar, and .price-block

Bug fixes

  • Listbox: new visual styling for hover/focus state, so that options no longer look disabled on hover
  • Color Swatches: inside a Selection Set, borders are now correct on two-tone swatches
  • Textbutton: custom icons now have no CSS filter